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Licorice is the big market research communities in South Asia rewarding you for your opinion!
Why should I share my opinions?
When a brand or company brings to market a new product or service, researching the potential market is essential and affects the success or failure of a business. Is the logo of the packaging eye-catching to the user? Or is the sour or spicy taste of the product look good for you? The question is simple, but only data from the users themselves - your opinions have great value helps to determine what will and will not be successful. So sharing your personal opinions not only helps the community but also gives you valuable rewards.
What is online Surveys?
Helping global research companies to collect data by filling online questionaries
Working with FlashJob?
Share you efficicant skills to people who need help.
You can do home visits such as cleaning, shopping, and beauty services by "Onsite Job" or work from home such as data entry, design, system development by "Online Job"